Interview Preps


Do not Ghost

Ghosting a recruiter once interview is scheduled is never a good idea. We all face emergencies. It understandable.


Lie another day

Never use partial facts or someone else’s achievements. It may be tempting to exaggerate, but its all about authenticity


Information is important

Product knowledge of the company is a must. Examine how the promoters of the company made their moves towards their dream work.


Maps always help

Try to navigate the job location much in advance so that you appear right on time. Discipline speaks first at any interview



Do not Ghost

Ghosting a recruiter once interview is scheduled is never a good idea. We all face emergencies. It's understandable.


Information is important

Product knowledge of the company is a must. Examine how the promoters of the company made their moves towards their dream work.


Lie another day

Never use partial facts or someone else’s achievements. It may be tempting to exaggerate, but its all about authenticity


Maps always help

Try to navigate the job location much in advance so that you appear right on time. Discipline speaks first at any interview

What makes you an ideal candidate

What makes you an ideal candidate


Be a strong communicator. You should be able to effectively convey your ideas and thoughts to others. You can blend well in a team setting if you are open for feedback to improve yourself


Strive to go an extra mile. Taking pride in your work will always produce high quality results. Do not be afraid to take new tasks and learn new skills.

Self driven

Being self-driven leads to greater work satisfaction and better business. Self-driven individuals are often proactive, disciplined and it can be helpful to set clear and specific goals


Achieve success in everything you do. Seek help if you aren't sure how to do so. Focus on the process and results will deliver. You save time, you save money, you make money.

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